Ar. Hj. Azman bin Zainonabidin was born on November 3, 1966. He is an Architecture graduate from MARA University of Technology. With more than 30 years of experience in the field of architecture, Ar. Azman also owns a consulting firm, Arkitek Azman Zainonabidin (ArAZ), which has been operating since 2000 in the state of Perak. He is also a Senior Lecturer at MARA Technology University Perak Branch since 1998.
Ar. Azman’s involvement as a volunteer with MERCY Malaysia began after the Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004. He once held the position of EXCO member for MERCY Malaysia from 2006-2008, and is now a volunteer of the Technical Expert Group for MERCY Malaysia that helps with the implementation of reconstruction projects in disaster areas. He is also very active as a trainer and facilitator for MERCY Malaysia’s Building Resilient Community (BRC) and Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRMM) programs
Apart from that, he has also been the Chairman of the Masjid Bandar
Universiti in Seri Iskandar, Perak since 2018 and the Chairman of the Koperasi
Masjid Bandar Universiti Seri iskandar Perak Tengah Berhad Cooperative (KOOP
MBU) since 2021. At the Perak state level, he was appointed as a Member of Majlis
Perundingan Masjid Negeri Perak and Member of the Committee for Rekabentuk
Masjid Senibina Melayu Nusantara for the state of Perak.